My most recent profiles on smart plug devices since April - I wish I could export data with 1 minute resolution. I think the clusters of power usage would be better defined. The real question is what states are associated with which cluster, plus which cluster really corresponds to Always On.
Green triangles highlight the centers of clusters, red triangles indicate the valleys between clusters. I only marked the biggest two clusters with the triangles, but the same technique could be used to find more.
AV Receiver - standby vs showing a movie
Washing machine - standby vs washing
Video server - Mac Mini - Who knows ??
Toto Washlet - standby vs heated seat vs active
Tivo Mini - hardly used - mostly standby
Time Capsule - access point and back-up running
Apple Airport Extreme Router (main house router) - Who knows ?
Surfboard Modem - maybe it’s in standby every once in a while ??
Recirc Pump on timer - off, on for part of an hour, on for full hours (shows resolution issue)
LaserPrinter - standby and printing (for only a small portion of an hour)
Upstairs Furnace - standby and in operation
Downstairs Furnace - standby and in operation
Plug-in hybrid charging - My son isn’t so great about plugging in but he pays for the gas.
Main switch for the house - maybe it get’s to sleep a little every once in a while
AppleTV - Very power efficient when in standby or even when streaming
Cable TV amplifiers
Office - mainly laptop and monitor - 3 modes, traveling (laptop not using anything), standby-ish, and heavy computing.
Playroom - 2 gaming PCs - 3 modes - standby, daughter gaming and both kids gaming…