Data Science of "On", "Off" and "Standby": II

Kevin, I’m glad you like my histogram! I find that using the FREQUENCY function is more flexible than Excel histograms since I can manually choose each bin size. For example, my sump pump usage fits better if I simulate a logarithmic plot by using the following bins: 0, 0.01, 0.1, and 1. For the printer analysis above, the bin size of 0.001 kWh was easy to choose since that is the limit of resolution reported by Sense.

I hoped you might know the answer to my question about area under the curve, and you did! As a bonus to the answer, you gave me a very nice explanation to go along with it. You explained not just what but why! This sure improves my comprehension. Thank you!

Your explanation also confirms that 1-second is the native reporting interval for the chip inside the Kasa monitor. Thus if I see the Kasa app report values which change every second, it is because that is the measurement. They did not have to process smaller measurements to get that value, as the smaller measurements were all handled inside the chip.

I used my daughter’s phone to install the Android version of the Kasa app. I don’t see graphing capabilities in that app, but I created the graph below by typing as fast as I could. The app shows numbers which change every second, and I know my numeric keypad pretty well, although I’m sure I missed a few measurements. This chart is created in Excel based on my furious typing.
Kasa printer
You have obviously discovered some way to download Kasa data without manual typing. I don’t need the details on that, as my urge to see a graph was satisfied by the above image. I noticed two things while creating this. First, I saw variations of 0.01 so the Kasa app has resolution at least as fine as they report. Second, none of the printer values from the Kasa app were so low that they would round down in Sense. None of the TV values during this 1-minute sample were low enough to round down, either, but I believe they may vary over the long term because what I see in Sense for the TV is several hours at 0w followed by several hours at 1w. For the printer, I do see short periods of 2w usage when I zoom way in to the usage plot. Those probably correspond the the measurements above 1.5 watts in the graph above.

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