If you’re not seeing results within +/- 2% of your revenue meter, there’s probably something wrong. Since you are mentioning “from grid” and “to grid” I’m assuming you have solar and are using Sense solar. Me and a couple of the Sense users did a deep dive of Sense net accuracy and solar accuracy here:
You don’t share what % that extra 40kWh might be, but if it more than 2-3%, I would consider it a problem.
Based on what I have seen on my install and the forum there are a number of reasons Sense might come up short:
- One or more of your CTs (current transformers) has come open. Take a look.
- Your Sense is seeing regular data dropouts. I had a lot of that happening in my early days with Sense, but has been much improved over time. See my posting for more details.
- Your Sense is attached to a sub panel, not the main (there have been a couple posters on this forum that have sworn up and down that their Sense was on the main, only to discover that there was a second parallel sub panel sucking down additional energy).
If none of those seems to be at issue, and your number is grater than 2-3%, I would contact support@sense.com