Below is my support request to Sense on Nov 15th and the response. Basically a very useful aspect of the Sense monitoring device, relative comparisons to prior months/weeks/days or others with Sense is invalid for my home, and presumably all EV owners.
I frequently get alerts “your energy use spiked yesterday 121%” It happens whenever I randomly charge my Electric Car, is there anyway, or could you add a feature, to exclude certain devices from your energy use trends? Also this impacts my “compared to other users” I would want to exclude my car charging to other users in NY unless they also owned an EV.
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out!
We understand your need to separate EV charging from consumption detection in order to generate a customized power use notice. Unfortunately, this feature is not presently available for the Sense monitor; however, we will forward this ticket to the appropriate parties within the Sense Team so that this feature can be considered and possibly made accessible for our valued customers in the future.
We appreciate our customers’ feedback and apologize for the inconvenience!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or recommendations.
Sense Customer Support