The first 3 months

I continue to enjoy my Sense electricity usage monitor. I also still know where 90% of my usage goes, thanks to Sense and its integrations. Estimates are also important in reaching this value. I used the Always On Estimate feature to list devices in constant use. Read about that feature here: What’s new in v37 (iOS/Android) . Some of the data for that list is pre-filled by Sense, while the rest I obtained using a traveling KP-115.

The above graph has two more colors than the similar graph posted above. New colors are light blue and maroon, and each is described below.

Light blue represents devices detected by Sense which are also being monitored by Kasa smart plugs. Sense has a way to avoid double-reporting by listing the native device under “What’s connected to this?” on the smart plug’s device tab. I have tried this but missed knowing what Sense was seeing. Therefore, I keep all the devices separate and use my spreadsheet to eliminate double reporting. Related to this concept is my feature request Data export of hidden devices . My separate tracking of these devices allows me to compare their accuracy, as shown below.

The maroon color represents electricity usage of the Sense device itself plus my Kasa smart plugs. Both are estimates. The usage of the Sense device itself is pre-filled as 3 watts. The usage of each Kasa plug is based on this forum’s thread named Updated 06JUN21 - Smart Plug Vampire Power Draw Shoot-Out . The maroon color is separate in my mind because it would not exist if I didn’t care about monitoring my electrical usage: I would not have a Sense nor would I be using 18 energy-monitoring Kasa smart plugs. Although the maroon category is small, an always-on average of 16 watts ends up representing 1.6% of my total usage.