

I don’t like to brag, but chicks pretty much dig me. It’s pretty much because of my rad smart home automation and bo staff skills. As far back as I can remember, seen I was a zygote, I’ve always wanted a all encompassing fully integrated house and car computer system to manage everything. For most of my life the functionality and automation I was looking far was far beyond the current days’ technology capabilities. I would actually make comments about how disappointed I was with the entire design engineer population because they still couldn’t do . I couldn’t understand why the systems integration I saw on Star Trek The Next Generation was still not happening with everything. I was imaging what would eventually evolve into what is now the Internet of Things. I refused to accept that Capt. Picard could ask the Enterprise computer about the status of any component of any system in the ship and get an accurate response in seconds, yet running SimCity on my Macintosh Plus of the 3½ disk was pushing the limits of personal computing power. We’re getting there, but we have a long way to go. We need to solve two significant issues before we get there. First is the need for 400 separate proprietary apps to maintain full control of all your devices. Second, the developers need to solve completely the natural language issues with Google Home, Alexa, and all the others. Until that happens, home automation will never evolve beyond the novelty that it is.