EVs need a Sense Lab.
I’ve been pondering how that would work in the absence of either native detection or DCMs (Flex sensors):
Create a virtual DCM and assign it to your EV.
[Please excuse the rhetoric here]
Why does that work, at all?
Because then Sense knows you own an EV, “for sure”. i.e. The EV lab comes with the caveat that if you check off the “EV(s) in the house” box then you may screw up your detections if you don’t actually have one.
Why can’t this work in general for any device?
Because Sense would then have to rely on the accuracy of, say, the home inventory and do a lot of work to change heuristics and biases or whatever magic is going on in the algo related to specific devices.
So why is a virtual DCM for an EV any different, wouldn’t it be a serious pain to implement?
Sure would (I suspect) be a difficult build but containing the implementation in a Lab would allow for some failed attempts and not pollute the simplicity of the main app.
I can imagine being able to tell Sense precisely which EVs you have.
If nothing else it would give Sense a more reliable source of EV ownership data.
And finally, and most importantly, Sense can license @kevin1’s epic work on this ()