Device Detection Major Update: Chevy Electric Vehicles - 10/11/18

So, now that the beta is over (I was part of the program), I can share some information for fellow Volt/EV owners specific to the freshly announced TP-Link HS110 / Belkin Wemo Insight integration.

The HS110 is confirmed by TP-Link to be dual voltage (120V & 240V) capable, and yes, arguably the Wemo Insight has also been discovered to be dual voltage, albeit Belkin doesn’t (unlike TP-Link) confirm it. The HS110 is rated for 16A@240V, again, as confirmed by TP-Link. The decals indicate (120V / 15A) because they are, as TP-Link describes it, “Labelled to local standards”, but they are indeed 240V/16A capable.

So, I now have 2 HS110’s hooked up to our 240V 16A EVSE’s so I can now independently detect and log the consumption from both of our Chevy Volts. They are both charging right now, see attached image - no more massive “Other” bubble every night!

For anyone interested in more details, respond here and I’ll share as much as I can.

Please take note that this is ONLY valid for up to 16A EVSE’s, which coincidentally, is what the Volt max’s out at for a charging rate (our Gen1’s are actually 15A), but any larger EVSE’s such as the next step up (32A) won’t work as they exceed the amp carrying capability of the HS110/Insight.