Energy Usage History

Updated Energy Usage History
After not-just-a-few late nights of experimenting with ways to to get more accurate detection of my EV charging, I can now update my weekly energy history charts with accuracy EV data, one by kWh and the other by %. You’ll notice that my Sense data had some disruptions in July 2019 and Sept 2019, but all is well now. Only had to make one minor change to the SimplePlot2 R program.

I track the 10 largest usage devices, where 2 of the devices are really rollups of remaining devices:

  • Other Identified - is the total energy for all the other detected devices not in the top 8
  • Other - is all the unidentified energy

The “wasteful” Dryer in olive, is really our dryer heating element plus two of the largest in-floor heaters we added back in Oct 19. All are conflated in to a single Dryer device. There are a couple more less-used floor heating elements lurking in the Other Identified.

The “Tesla Charging” in blue, represents the data supplemented from my home-grown detector. I could probably separate out by Model S, Model 3 and Both, but why bother ?

Two nice things have happened over the past year. I have been able to get “Other” down to a much smaller %, and it looks like I have also been able to reduce by YoY June usage. BTW - That dip in late June into July '19 was vacation. Not going anywhere this go round.