ESPSense - TP-Link Smart Plug alternative (via a little extra effort!)

I was reading in the Finding Electric Vehicles - Fail thread about all the trouble that Sense is having detecting EVs and now that I am having such good luck with my app (thanks Charles), I wonder if there isn’t a 240v power meter that could be used to plug into the NEMA 14-50 in the garage and then plug the EVSE into it and use this software to report the results to Sense. Sure, it won’t help with detection, but not much is, there are so many EVs and so many EVSEs, there is a lot standing in the way of detecting an EV.

My app shows all the AC charging data for the car at home in the Sense app, and I can go back and look at when I charged and how much for as far back as I care to scroll in the app. Actually not sure how far back Sense data goes, but I have never hit the end.

I think ESPSense would be a great solution for people who can’t use the recommended Flex Sensors as they already use their second port on their Sense for Solar or a second 240v input.

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