Installation and first metering report questions

This has been the request of many, many users over time. Unfortunately, and perhaps counterintuitively, a “training mode” does not improve detection. Why do I say this:

  • Sense has some of the best and most experienced data scientists working on this and they vociferously claim that “training mode” will not work for a variety of reasons..
  • Several other products similar to Sense emerged in the 2015-16 timeframe. A couple of them notably added a “training mode” to differentiate themselves. Neither of them is around today. The one I almost bought, Neurio, still has videos of “training mode” lurking out on YouTube, but that feature seems to have been the bane of their existence per a couple of their forums. You can still find remnants of Neurio around today, but they eventually retreated from “training mode”, did a deal with Tesla for PowerWall monitoring (that I think has expired), and then were bought out by Generac who seems to offer a second generation product, that doesn’t seem to be purchasable anywhere.

So I’m reasonably sure that “training mode” is not currently a feasible feature. If you do want to see a little bit more a about what Sense is doing in the space of detection, you can look at their long list of patents with the search below: