Leveraging ScottBOnline’s senseapi python at GitHub - scottbonline/sense: Sense Energy Monitor API
I use a weather module and then something i wrote to push the data collected to PVoutput.org
sense_api_pvoutput.py (1.1 KB)
weather.py (864 Bytes)
Leveraging ScottBOnline’s senseapi python at GitHub - scottbonline/sense: Sense Energy Monitor API
I use a weather module and then something i wrote to push the data collected to PVoutput.org
sense_api_pvoutput.py (1.1 KB)
weather.py (864 Bytes)
import sys, subprocess from datetime import datetime, date, time from sense_api import Senseable from weather import current_temp, min_temp, max_temp, forecast_text DATE = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d") TIME = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M") username = 'email' password = 'pass' PVOutputURL = 'https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp' PVOutputAPI = '83587u834jk' PVOutputSID = '3543' sense = Senseable(username,password) active_power = str(sense.active_power).split('.')[0] active_solar_power = str(sense.active_solar_power).split('.')[0] active_voltage_split = str(sense.active_voltage).split(' ')[0] active_voltage_strip = str(active_voltage_split).strip('[ ,') active_voltage = active_voltage_strip[:5] temp = round(float(current_temp),1) PVOutputCURL = """curl -d "d={}" -d "t={}" -d "v4={}" -d "v2={}" -d "v5={}" -d "v6={}" -H "X-Pvoutput-APIkey:{}" -H "X-Pvoutput-SystemId:{}" {}""".format(DATE, TIME, active_power, active_solar_power, temp, active_voltage,PVOutputAPI, PVOutputSID, PVOutputURL) subprocess.call(PVOutputCURL, shell=True) print()
I’m doing the same thing but with home-assistant.io (and the same python):
url: ‘https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp’
method: post
content_type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
payload: “d={{now().strftime(‘%Y%m%d&t=%H:%M’)}}&v2={{states.sensor.energy_production_stats_mean.state|int}}&v4={{states.sensor.energy_usage_stats_mean.state|int}}&v5={{(states.sensor.pws_temp_f_stats_mean.state|float - 32)/1.8}}&v6={{states.sensor.
dehumidifier_voltage.state|float * 2}}”
cron as an automation is left as an exercise to the reader. I created a bunch of mean stats sensors to capture the 5-minutely data pvoutput wants.
Just a note - the API should not be used this way.
Rather than call the authentication every time:
sense = Senseable(username,password)
Instead, call it once, then have a loop that uses the existing instance to get the latest information.
im only running the call once every 5 mins… how long does the key last? we can change the logic to use the key for x amount of time and then rekey after x time.
From what I’ve seen, it never expires. I’ve been using it in a homeassistant component that initializes only once and then reports data until the server is restarted
ok… ill do that and see how long it lasts… like your HA setup
AFAIK the key never expires. I’ve been using the same one for over a month.
What Home Assistant component is that?
This one maybe?
I have that one enabled but I was wondering if there was another component you can use to record the data better…
Home Assistant will log the data automatically if you set up a sensor. You could also pass the data to another component in HA if you needed.
sense_api_pvoutput.py (1.2 KB)
Updated script with changes that work with latest Sense API Python and small other changes.
import sys, subprocess
from datetime import datetime, date, time
from sense_energy import Senseable
from weather import current_temp, min_temp, max_temp, forecast_text
DATE = datetime.now().strftime(“%Y%m%d”)
TIME = datetime.now().strftime(“%H:%M”)
username = ‘user’
password = ‘pass’
PVOutputURL = ‘https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp’
sense = Senseable(wss_timeout=30,api_timeout=30)
sense.authenticate(username, password)
active_power = str(sense.active_power).split(‘.’)[0]
active_solar_power = str(sense.active_solar_power).split(‘.’)[0]
active_voltage_split = str(sense.active_voltage).split(’ ‘)[0]
active_voltage_strip = str(active_voltage_split).strip(’[ ,')
active_voltage = active_voltage_strip[:5]
temp = round(float(current_temp),1)
if active_solar_power < “0”:
active_solar_power = “0”
PVOutputCURL = “”“curl -d “d={}” -d “t={}” -d “v4={}” -d “v2={}” -d “v5={}” -d “v6={}” -H “X-Pvoutput-APIkey:{}” -H “X-Pvoutput-SystemId:{}” {}”“”.format(DATE, TIME, active_power, active_solar_power, temp, active_voltage,PVOutputAPI, PVOutputSID, PVOutputURL)
subprocess.call(PVOutputCURL, shell=True)
I apologize in advance for my ignorance, but in spite of doing a lot of googling, I can’t figure out how to get these Python scripts to work, so I hope the Sense Community can help.
I’m essentially trying to copy danderson’s setup to push to PVOutput.org. II think I’ve got ScottBOnline’s senseapi properly installed on my Windows server. But when I try to run sense_api_pvoutput.py I get this authentication error:
But as far as I can tell, I’ve properly entered my Sense username and password in the relevant part of senseable.py (assuming this is the relevant part and that I’ve entered my info correctly):
def authenticate(self, username, password):
auth_data = {
“MyRealEmail@gmail.com”: username,
“MyRealPassword”: password
Any ideas about what’s going wrong and how to fix it?
I emailed you privately
You corrupted the auth_data structure, just call the authenticate function:
authenticate( “MyRealEmail@gmail.com”, “MyRealPassword”)