I’ve had a whole bunch of random 1-2 minute dropouts of solar power reflected in the Sense app. Since SolarEdge monitoring is only provided in 15-minute increments, I don’t have any way (that I know of) to confirm that the solar power is actually dropping to zero, or if Sense is having a problem. I found a topic from well over a year ago from someone experiencing something similar, but it had no responses.
I’ve been bugging my solar provider to troubleshoot this from an electrical installation standpoint, but they haven’t been able to find a problem (my contact there has been responsive, but I’ve gotten no feedback from their tech support team). I don’t know if I should keep pressing them, or if I’m just going to look like a fool when they point out that Sense isn’t working right.
When this problem first occurred, the drops were consistently aligning with spikes in consumption as my clothes dryer cycled on (every solar drop was with a dryer spike, but there were also plenty of dryer spikes with no drop in solar). Since then, as I’ve periodically looked at the app, I’ve seen drop-outs that were not aligned with any consumption.
I can say that the problem always seems to occur during peak production times. Right now, that’s around 9kW, thanks I guess to the very high temperature outside. On a cooler day, it’s around 11.2kW.
If this is a known problem with Sense, does anyone know why it might be happening or what I might be able to do about it? If this could feasibly be caused by my actual hardware (Silfab panels feeding into a SolarEdge inverer), I’d love some ideas on how to isolate the problem to either Sense or the actual solar installation.