Here’s another view on costs… Time of Use EV-A schedule vs. the traditional E-1 residential schedule with tiering. It’s an eye chart but kind of shows all the computations that goes into each type of billing.
For my house the E-1 baseline is 10.1kWh/day during summer and 10.9kWh/day in winter. The three tiered costs per kWh today are: Tier 1 - $0.21536/kWh, Tier 2 - $0.28478/kWh, Tier 3 - 0.44095/kWh. The bottom line, I save about 750/year by using TOU and moving most of my car charging to off-peak.
And just for fun, I did a tiered estimate without solar (removed solar offset from the calculation). The combination of my solar investment and TOU saves me over 3,200$ / year on a 15.5K total investment.
Updated code that includes EV-A TOU schedule and E-1 Tiered schedule is here. Not so pretty but it works.
SenseToUBillingPGEEVA.R (7.4 KB)