Here’s a chart for the same data period as above plotting both my Sense’s (#1 & #2) native detection variation from “actual”, which in this case is from Sense#2’s CTs, which were actually dedicated to my hot water tank alone.
Horizontal axis is actual DAILY kWh from Sense#2 Main CT (clamped to the hot water tank circuit).
Vertical axis is the % variation from that actual, where >0 means the native detection was over-reporting the wattage (rare) and <0 is under-reporting.
Some numbers for the 290 days measurement:
Sense#1-native, daily average: 7.53 kWh ==> 2,750 kWh/year
Sense#2-native, daily average: 7.42 kWh ==> 2,705 kWh/year
ACTUAL (using Sense#2 CT) : 7.94 kWh ==> 2,899 kWh/year
Conclusion: Average under-reporting was 94% of actual. Not bad!
i.e. Add about 6% to Sense-native reporting. Your mileage may vary of course.
Oh, and I’m at about 63% of the Energy Star Label. That’s gotta be the 1.9 kids we don’t have. Actually, NO, bad stat to quote … average household is 2.6 so were at 2/2.6 of that ==> about 82% of label.
Phew, I need a shower!