I have been seeing wattage in the Other category “moving over” to the Always on Category. Does this mean Sense is giving up on identifying some of the items that are on most of the time? I’d really like a way to understand what is in the Always on bubble…as well as the Other bubble. Turning off items in the house only gives me a partial understanding of what is always on.
Also, How does sense decide what is in the Always on Bubble? Does it literally have to be on 24/7 for days at a time, or is the criteria less stringent?
I’ve seen the same thing happen at my house even though I haven’t added any electrical things that are on 24/7. On the contrary I’ve added quite a few smart plugs that turn things off that used to be on 24/7 based on a schedule. For example my TV, sound bar, etc are now behind smartplugs who will turn off after we go to bed at night and won’t come back on until we’re home after work (nobody is using them anyway). Yes I’ve added some things like Christmas tree, lights around the house, etc, etc but all of those are also on smart plugs and are definitely not on 24/7 either.
It would be interesting to see your graphs of exported hourly data for your Always On vs. all the smartplugs. A few things stood out when I did it.
You get a better view of what your various smartplug device baseline usages are
I have found that Always On does go down when you add smartplugs and goes up when you add additional “true” Always On devices to your house.
Downward spikes in hourly Always On frequently coincide with data outages on the main Power Meter. If you see a downward Always On, take a look at your Power Meter for that hour.
Upward spikes tend to coincide with big changes to Always On in your house.
Here’s my up-to-date view. Note that I added smartplugs from Nov 1 through Nov 14th. All lowered Always On except the last one, a hot water recirc pump that is on a timer (so it is usually zero during the low power hours in my house - no improvement in Always On low water mark). I added air purifiers for Nov 17 through Nov 30th.
Click it and you will get a dialog box that gives you a choice of Day or Hour increments. Choose Hour and click export. You’ll get a huge .csv file that has hourly time-interval data for power (kWh) info for your mains, solar and all devices “detected”, including Always On (but no Other).
Two warnings:
The data is not “complete” - there are missing hours for many of the devices, including mains and solar occasionally. Usually due to data dropouts, or zeroed out power. I use an R routine that inserts "0"s into missing hours for all devices.
Big in Excel - Big in Excel about 90K , before I filter it down. I’m using the .csv’s straight into R, rather than working in Excel.