[BUG] - All five kp115 smart plugs went offline according to Sense but are still really on

No one has ever claimed they actually turn off. There’s been hours and hours poured into this by many of us. I think we’ve seen everything these plugs do and don’t do. If the word “off” is used it’s normally to describe the behavior seen in Sense, rather than the plug itself.

While they do randomly report no usage, which as I said is more of a normal behavior for these devices, the issues others had in this thread is very different than what your power graph shows. What you are seeing has been seen, and there’s other threads about the erratic behavior from these plugs including your own.

While it could be Sense, there’s no evidence that it is, and your claim that Sense is to blame is really baseless based on those screenshots. I wish I could blame Sense, they might actually fix it if I had proof. There’s nothing in your screenshots that indicates Sense is discarding, blocking or misreading the data from the plugs.

Let me explain in a different way. If a plug reports no data to Sense, Sense will assume that the plug is off, or at 0w. This is the same as if you unplugged a light in your house. Obviously, since it’s unplugged it’s not consuming electricity and therefore it’s “off”. Sense can’t assume otherwise, no data = off. You are seeing, in your app, the resulting behavior from that data drop.

There’s a number of solutions that are guaranteed to work but the native one is the best:

  • Change the threshold for Sense to report when these devices are considered to be off

Lastly, let me say that just because Kasa says it is consuming power doesn’t mean it’s reporting it to Sense. That was the whole reason this thread was created. Everyone has always seen where Kasa reports the data, but Sense doesn’t get it. The conclusion thus far has only been that there’s interfering devices causing issues with the plugs and this was confirmed by Kasa tech support.

If you’re willing to take PCAPs during the times your devices have issues I would be more than happy to review them.