Ceiling Fans and Can Lamps

Hi @deputypaulatl,
It’s a good start if Sense is “seeing” your transitions, but even if Sense “sees” a transition in the Power Meter, that doesn’t mean that it is ready to detect it as a device - the transitions must pass three other tests:

  • There have to be enough transitions that “match” so that Sense can actual determine that there is a cluster of similar transitions, under a range of house conditions. More on what clustering looks like later. You probably have enough detections after two years, but the other three criteria (below) might be the limiting issue.
  • There has to be a similar off-cluster because Sense can’t do a detection with our a matching off, and vice versa.
  • The transition has to be unique. If your device has both on and off transitions being tagged in the Power Meter, then Sense either doesn’t have enough repeats, or the on/off data doesn’t pass the uniqueness criteria - that would mean that it’s on and off signatures smear together with what seem to be other devices, or are so broad in variation that it might not be one device.
  • I also believe that the parametrics of the features of the “cluster” also have to match an existing Sense model. I get the feeling that some electronic devices either look vastly different for different ons and off, or that the cluster of feature are so far outside the normal physics-based clusters that Sense has to treat each cluster one as a special case.

For more on how this works, I have tried to outline my theories on Sense here. Feel free to comment, ask further questions or contribute more wisdom.

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