Confusion on setup and monitoring

So Ive been using for two weeks so far Liking it, but have a question. See my snapshot attached. I have my refrigerator on a smart plug because of all the unusual modes it has like defrost ,compressor, icemaker ,etc. But I also see it shows up in my always on with a power value. Is that because I set that up to do that from some statistics that I entered early on?

and should the refrigerator be an always on device since it does go in the standby at times. I realize there’s a micro processor in there, as in most devices, that does draw power all the time , is that what always on is for and should I be manually entering those items and that becomes my total Always-On. I’m trying to figure out why I have such a high always on value.

A little confused as to how I determine the always on value and how I can lower that. I’m not sure if the always on state is for the standby mode and it doesn’t subtract from that when something gets in standby is turned on.

Love some feedback on this

Always On is computed for every device on a smart plug per the algorithm below. If all you have plugged into your fridge smart plug is the fridge, there’s nothing you can do about that 11W. That’s the minimum power required all the time by the fridge.

Always On component of a smart plug device
This is an estimate of the Always On-ness of a smart plug or dedicated circuit device based on its power draw over the past 24 hours. It is updated once every few hours based on consumption data. Always On-ness is determined by looking at the distribution of wattage at a high granularity (1 second) and estimating a value corresponding to the 1% bin of its observed wattage histogram.

For devices not on smart plugs, the idea is that you can fill in Always On data for different devices in your house to close the gap between the whole house Always On and a bottom-up assessment. That process should also help you figure out things you could do to lower your overall Always On. One more note - I use a “traveling smart plug” with Sense to come up with Always On values for every plug-in device in my house.

Thanks, I will read that article, but to further discuss, why is my always on at 520 watts, when the total of always on devices is at 132 watts. Where does the difference come from… I see estimated unknown, when does that settle out…and how is it assumed?

520W is the whole house Always On. That’s the near minimum calculated over the last 48 hours for your whole house using this:

Always On

Always On is a calculation of the lowest power of each of your mains, added together, where “lowest” refers to the 1% bin of the observed wattage histogram over the previous 24-48 hour period. It is updated every half second, though most users will not see significant real-time changes given the 48 hour lookback window. In your case, the list of named devices uses

The list of Always On devices is a way trying to resolve the whole house number with the contributions from various devices around the house. In your case, the named list adds to about 132W of Always On usage, leaving another 388W unaccounted for.

Okay, so If I put my office computers on a kasa smart plug. Would the power that is measured there be subtracted from the always on since it’s identified. (Even though my office computers are mostly always on)

That would be helpful in reducing the unknown Always On, since it would provide an accurate view on the Always On usage for your office computers. But it wouldn’t shrink the Sense-calculated Always On for your house. It would only reduce the amount of Always On usage that is unknown. The only way to actually reduce the Always On is by either forcing some of those devices into a lower usage standby mode (most computers have an off mode that is mostly off), or turning them off completely using a smart plug, or just unplugging them.

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