@stalliontrail , In my mind, if you really have dual feeds to the main breaker / shutoff, then you should probably start looking to see if the split at the bottom goes to two different panels. Sense supports that configuration via a 2x200A setup.
You can also try on the dual parallel incoming supply lines and the 2x200A setup, but won’t get full functionality.
- You can get the full power usage in real-time
- But native detection will likely not work because the current for every on / off will be split between the mains - each on / off. There will essentially be 2 measured, simultaneous ons for every device on 120V (single leg) and 4 ons for every dual-leg device (240V). Sense knows (somewhat) how to combine 2 simultaneous 120V on / offs into a single 240V detection, but not the parallel feeds case.
In my books, time to look for a split into two separate panels at the bottom.