Detecting Electric Vehicle (EV) devices

Unfortunately we have very few users with Model 3s at this point. We really need to see data across multiple homes to reliably and consistently detect it. As more come online, we’ll be able to better detect them.

Get ready then.By next year at this time there will be as many Model 3s as all of the other EVs you are tracking.

Crystal ball?

Elon, haven’t you done enough for your stock lately? :grin:

Don’t know how up to date you are with the EV scene but the #2 EV(out of 40) for July was the Toyota Prius Prime selling 1,984 units in the US market. For perspective the Model 3 sold 14,250. I worked my career in manufacturing before retiring at 42. Manufacturing has been an unknown for Tesla. They still have not reached mass production but 14,250 is a start. August will probably be 16K -18K. September 18K -20k+ and will steadily increase to 40K per month when they learn to manufacture. The orders have been placed. It’s just math and manufacturing from here. The Model 3 will easily have 125,000 in the US by the close of 2018, and at least that again in 2019. This is the Sense market currently and just stating a fact that this car will by far out number any other EV in the Sense database. It’s not drinking kool-aide, it’s just math and it will hit the Sense database relatively fast. I am not sure what other major consumer of energy will show up stronger in the Sense community than that?

I’m guessing that Sense will see many more really soon… They should have noticed my 3 in their data set by now :slight_smile:

Tesla Model 3 here. Still no detection. Anything I can do to help?

As I have said on another thread, after approx 1 year of 4 to 5 times a week of charging, SENSE has identified my…
GE EVCS 240v 30 amp charger on my 2015 Fiat 500e.
Sometimes it thinks part of the power is the dryer so it’s not perfect but, it works most of the time.

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Just finding this forum, I am frustrated that Sense fails to ID the most obvious, largest load in my house. It’s clearly only looking at inrush and IDing devices like compressors and does not ID devices with “nice” startups like most electronics and my Tesla ramping up to 20 amps.

I’m not far from sense HQ, I would be perfectly willing to drive my Model 3 down there and let you hook it up to a power analyzer or whatever you need to get good data!

Welcome to the forum. Please check out the FAQs and other threads regarding this topic. Sense looks at far more than just inrush data so that’s a poor assumption. I doubt that driving your car to Sense HQ would do a whole lot since the product is based on AI rather than human input but please read through this thread as this topic has been picked apart many times.

@senseinaz that was in response to [Ryan at] Sense themselves commenting above that they need more real data due to lack of customers with a particular car. Sense is not just pure AI, it is more machine learning to match existing profiles.
My comments about inrush are about the fact that sense only IDs devices in my house that have a large inrush or spike of current at startup. Everything with a compressor or motor. Almost no electronics. And yet my EV charging has a very easy to identify startup, which is the opposite…a relatively slow ramp to a very high current, much higher than any other device, and every night at 1am. It should be blatantly obvious to any algorithm. But that’s not how sense works. It machine learns to match to existing profiles that the company has previously identified.

Look around a bit on the various EV threads. What I think you will find is:

  • Sense has already determined that the instant identification machine learning model they started with isn’t suitable for EV charging and some other device types.
  • Sense has hacked together some one-off EV models for a few car/charger combos that seem to work OK. Tesla Model S is one of these - I can report that detection works, but my X and 3 are still not identified, so it truly is a one-off.
  • Sense has already developed the framework for devices that need longer detection windows and plans on delivering identification these capabilities some time in the future.
  • The best thing you can do today is accumulate charging cycles on your account. No need to drive over to Sense’s office.

Good luck and enjoy the car… I love driving my regular (non-perf) 3 even more than the P85D X, because it just seems sportier.

Model 3 owner here. Just posting so sense team can collect and categorize my data if desired. I am using a Juicebox 40 pro EVSE (used to own a leaf), so charge amps limited at 40.

I have had a Model 3 Tesla since April/May. When Is this device going to be able to detect when the car is charging?

I have Chevy Volt and Model 3 and am waiting too. I think asking when is an impossible question to answer. I think most of us are aware that the power signatures of EVs are difficult to detect by the Sense algorithms. I would however like a better description of what approach they are working on opposed to the generic response.

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Mark - I here ya… It drives me nuts how we can identify the “signature” of the device. In my case it appears to step up to 48amps like a staircase if ya will. Why cant I name that signature? It is constant…
I am not that concerned about lights or everyday stuff that is on. I am interested in learning about the consumption of larger devices in my house (EV Charger, Pumps, Stoves, Pool et cetera).
I am gravitating on switching toward the TED device and their use of spider technology where you can put a loop around devices you are closely interested in.
I am getting frustrated. Just my opinion.

Yup. I have a similar frustrating situation with the deep well constant pressure pump feeding my geothermal heat pump and home water supply. It’s VERY distinctive, but from the Sense point of view it’s “noise” that apparently prevents Sense from working very well with the rest of my home too.

Fortunately, I have a WELserver system that does tell me about my total use, solar production, and major consumers of power. Looking at TED, I might well have chosen that if it had been available back when I built my 100% electric home.

Andy - I switched to SENSE when I moved into a new house. I like the interface to SENSE, app et cetera.
I had The TED 5000 when I switched to SENSE. I realize that now that interface is worth 10% to me. Data, Device, Flexibility and accuracy are 90%.
I love DATA and the predictive analysis that can be done with it over time. I am afraid the data SENSE is gathering on what I consider important is falling under OTHER and useless. :frowning:

Sense - Here is my Tesla 48 amp Wall Charger ramping up to charge my Model 3. Why cant this be detected? It is always the same…

The short answer is that just because it looks constant in the Power Meter, does not mean it’s actually constant at the resolution Sense requires to identify devices. You can read a bit more about this here: Why can't you train Sense?

Also, we went over the status on new EVs in our recent webinar. You can find excerpts from that conversation here: Sense Webinar - August 2018 - YouTube