I have been unable to identify a “pump” that was detected several weeks ago.
The power meter for the past 24 hours shows it cycling on and off rapidly about 20 times (sorry but the system restricted me to only one image).
I have determined this is not the sump pump, the condensate pump, the washing machine, or the (gas) hot water heater exhaust fan but I have been unable to figure it out. Notice that it runs only for a few seconds, so it is difficult to track it down after I receive the notification.
I will appreciate any ideas you may have on what this is or how I can better identify it.
Thanks for this suggestion.
To check it out I raised the ice-maker bale to turn it off around 3 pm yesterday.
Since then Sense reported several operations of the device, so it seems unlikely this is the ice-maker.
Coincidentally, at almost exactly the same time, Sense reported that it found a new device that it suggests naming “ice-maker”. I tentatively took that suggestion and allowed the ice-maker to resume operating. I’ll track the new device and continue to investigate the mystery “pump” device.
I have finally identified this as the condensate pump.
It is NXTGen model VCMX-20ULS.
With the arrival of summer the air conditioner runs regularly, this triggers the pump often, and I tracked it down.
The pump was first detected during the winter and I did not realize our natural gas fired heater has a condensate drain. I should have recognized that water is a product of natural gas combustion.
CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O