I need to wrap questions for this up by tomorrow, so submit any last ones here!
Any updates on time of day/demand pricing in Sense?
Any updates on the data collected from the third party integrations, i.e. Smart Plugs etc.? Has it been of any value to the Sense Team and models?
Mod note: Edit made to remove reference to a Beta feature
Thanks for all the May questions. I’ll start on this and hopefully get it out really soon!
New to this, so perhaps it is obvious, but I haven’t found it yet:
How exactly is the detection done? I know the gist, I just thought it would be an interesting detail to go into. Specifically, does my individual unit have the smarts to learn or is learning only added with each update, like on a Tesla? When you guys were trying to get Teslas recognized did you play back a bunch of Teslas charging to the AI and eventually have it figure it out? Or do you guys just manhandle the update, forcing it to recognize many cars where the work was done by hand?
Does recognizing one toaster help recognizing ALL toasters? Or just that brand?
When I turn on my Keurig, that is recognized, the power goes very high while it makes my coffee and JUST at the end Sense realizes that the Keurig it has identified has turned on, so it’s only picking up on the keep-the-water-hot portion of the coffee making process. Am I messing up the detection by turning off the “This is a Guess” checkbox? Should I wait to say I am sure until it sees every bit of the power a detected device uses? Will it EVER figure out all the subprocesses in the coffee maker or will it be satisfied with what it has detected? Knowing how it detects things will help keep our behavior in line and help detect devices correctly.
The toaster question:
When it identifies your toaster and you go in and enter the proper make and model, that gets used for future detections.
My Keurig is opposite yours and has identified the element for when the cup is made, nothing else in the Keurig has been detected.
I can see the backup heater turn on and off but Sense has yet to detect it and may never.
This is a guess is something I would turn off in your situation since you know for sure what it is. If you don’t and leave it on, Sense May think it’s something else and rename it to what it thinks it is.
Detections don’t actually happen in the monitor itself. On the website where they say it’s the “brains” of monitoring, is entirely untrue in my opinion. Most everything happens on the back end, on their servers. The monitor itself measures and sends everything to the servers and then sent back to our browsers and apps.
My Keurig is a K45 or somesuch, perhaps they are different models so giving different waveforms so not recognized as generic Keurig.
Was the May video posted?
Hello. I am a new user. I do not understand why i show 2886 watt solar and also 180 watt grid? Shouldnt grid wattage always be zero, if i am producing more solar wattage then i am using?
Thank you,
The 180W is how much your house is actually using BEFORE solar production enters the equation. The Sense graph charts Total Usage, NOT Net Usage (Total Usage - Solar Production).
Thank you Kevin: So at night i will see a high grid wattage which makes sense, but daytime i expected that number to be 0 if solar is producing a lot. Maybe a 3rd number would be more intuituve.
@mntnweb / Kerry,
If you want the net readings today, you’ll have to do the subtraction yourself using exported data. Or you can do like I do and connect to my smart meter directly to see the output (below).
But I find the Total Usage and Solar Production graphs coming out of Sense to be much more useful when trying to reduct my usage.
ps: Maybe we should start a new thread to further this discussion if you have more questions. This thread is really for asking Sense some of the big hard questions that users have.
Unfortunately, it was not. The city has been doing construction outside of our building all month and that does not provide an environment conducive to recording sound. That said, I’m working to get something together that will hopefully stand in place of a May video. Sorry! I’m just as disappointed as you guys are. I really love doing these.
@samwooly1 @kevin1
You had asked about what actually happens when you delete a device. One of our data scientists has that answer for you, and goes into some of the complexities behind why Sense will sometimes re-detect what you just deleted.
Thank You for this one @RyanAtSense
It confirms what I have suspected about the retention of historical data.
Can a device that hasn’t been identified yet but I see it for sure add to the other catagory wattage be added and named as a device by me? Ex. Coffee maker… It doesn’t get used often but hope to identify it to make sure it’s turned off by family members. Thanks in advance
Two thoughts.
- You posted this in the AskSense topic. Ryan hasn’t done any AskSense videos recently so it might be more appropriate to post/look under a number of other topics about Sense and training.
- There is a great blog here on how you can help Sense learn:
A post was split to a new topic: Stove detection question