It does kinda look like a light (though the wattage is high…maybe a heat lamp of some kind?), but I’m guessing you’re not cyclically turning a light on/off in the early AM hours? Anything fit that profile in your home? Maybe some sort of other heat source (floor heating/space heater), though the wattage seems too low for that. Curious what others think…
I had originally though maybe a motion activated flood light. But seeing the second picture looks like a pattern of on twice together quickly, then a short pause.
Approximately 15 minutes between 2 times on then 20-25 pause
Yea, it’s puzzling for sure… Unless it’s part of my furnace? We don’t have any heat lamps, floor heaters, etc… Just have a regular two stage gas furnace.
It seems to be doing this pretty much all day so that eliminates anything someone would be turning off/on manually.
I don’t know the specific specs on anything from carrier. But most hot surface igniting systems use 3-4.5 amps. That’s 360 to 540 watts. It looks your device is coming on 5 times an hour which is right in line with high efficiency gas cycle settings. Those settings are not absolute. The furnace run time is adjusted internally to “try” to run so many times an hour.
That looks a lot like a heating element of some sort. My coffee pot and heating pad for my back both look similar to that with different wattage. Ice makers do have a heating element but that seems too close to be frozen ice, you might turn the ice maker off and see if the pattern disappears. Wattage is low for a dehumidifier but do you have one of those?