Per my quick short calculation above, it’s clear that there is a LOT of edge computing and processing going on in the monitor or we would be seeing 3-4 orders of magnitude (1000x -10000x) more of raw monitor data flowing upstream.
I think you are also making a few other assumptions that may not be completely true.
- Sense still has to stream some form of “full data” back to the the mothership for two other reasons. 1) Feeding the power meters, which reside of the mothership and 2) for detecting devices that have slow transitions, outside the range of edge processing done by the monitor, like EVs. You can probably calculate the minimum data required by thinking about 2B of data every second or so for every Power Meter that gets populated (main power meter plus all detected devices). The Sense monitor needs to send more than just on/off data back to the mothership for the power meters.
- Sense also has to continue pull raw-ish data for training / identification even after you may have had many devices detected, and the monitor has many “models” already residing in it, because it still needs to sort out unidentified transitions.