From @Dcdyer
My Observations:
- I manually ran individual single ‘once-only’ pings to check all my connections – multiple times. What I saw was a very high ping response time on single pings. Maybe the smart device was slow to wake-up or maybe my internal LAN was slow to map the route. I’m not certain.
- I choose to run a .BAT program using 25 pings to each device and take the average value. 25 pings should be statistically enough data to give a valid average. I took that single average number and recorded it in a file. So each data point in my file is the average of 25 pings. All recorded values are in Milliseconds.
- I performed this over a 3-day period. Note: My test is still running and capturing more data. The scan rate is about every 5 minutes.
- What I did noticed is that my KASA HS110 products are failing to respond. (Timeouts at 2500 ms).
Failed to respond:
HS110 (downstairs) 74% and
HS110 (upstairs) 94% of the time.
I had already suspected that the upstairs unit was not responding to SENSE requests and moved the unit to another location to get a better connection to the WiFi signal. This unit is OFF most of the time and sees very little usage. I was surprised to see the HS110 downstairs unit having the same problem. I’m not sure how to gather data on failed responses. - My Smart phones are still dropping my WiFi connection. I suspected the problem was other smart devices creating ‘congestion’, but it might be the HS110 devices are beginning to fail.
- I probably took a more tedious approach to graphically displaying the data (EXCEL) than was necessary.
- All of my SENSE communications (to the mother ship and the smart device modules – KASA) occurs thru my Netgear Extender. That’s why I included it in my test. All my other internet devices are network hardwired (including my thermostats). I did not see the point in testing any hardwired connections, but I might reconsider that in future testing.
- I did download a free ping APP on my ANDROID phone and checked ping times against my .BAT program and got similar results. The phone APP doesn’t create a file, just a display.
- The Netgear 6100 extender has a static IP address. I assigned it. The other devices are dynamic.