Missing Always on - (5/1 - 5/3)

Presently, these significant energy thresholds are non-visible values, presented via push-notices. It would be beneficial to present the resulting values within the User Interface for subsequent review.

Sense customers will always find importantance in knowing their home’s significant energy thresholds!

Use Case: Support historical reference and real time comparative analysis

Like and/or comment if you would find this a beneficial enhancement!


Of course, it would be nice to know that I hit a new peak for every time scale in the trends view too (except maybe day): week, month, year, bill. This could be especially useful for someone with demand billing.

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Here’s another alert that could be referenced for historical purposes.


This is the first time I’ve ever received this kind of alert and would like to repeat my future-actions, to get more of these.

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Unfortunately I believe it’s a bug, or a test message! My always on fluctuates between 53 to 55. I have never been below 53. To receive this, I think I would need to be at about 37 watts.

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I fully believe that you’re correct and will await the associated resolution. I won’t argue against mathematics!

@invoice and @Kevin_K, you guys might want to look at the Device Trends for your Always On at a Weekly resolution. I got a similar notification, but I’m seeing some irregularities in my Always On Trend over the weekend. Fri, Sat, Sun showed a dip in the usual settings, but Mon was back to about normal.


It looks like they had an issue with Always On calculations on Friday / Saturday. I received a similar notice about reduction in Always On. But my graph is as yours is. Short on Friday. None on Saturday and a little blip on Sunday.

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My always on is showing some weird trends also. I would assume the decrease in alot of always ons for people is because the smart plugs are currently not included in the calcauations (current bug). Plus for some resaon my always on had no data last saturday.

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We’ve confirmed this is a bug and we’re looking into this. I’ll share any updates in this thread.
In the meantime, if you’re seeing this issue please write into support@sense.com.

Will report ! DONE !

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Support says the issue was resolved but, Always On data for that period is gone and can’t be recovered. That’s per Daniel from yesterday afternoon.

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