If you put the sense main line monitor clamps on individual circuits sense would detect the usual on off patterns of your devices in the real world environment of your house with much less background noise of other devices cycling. After a couple days or weeks on each circuit would you then be able to put sense back on your main power to the breakers and keep all the learned device signatures? I would think sense would identify the clothes dryer signature much faster if it was monitoring the dedicated dryer circuit and only had one device cycling on and off. Small perturbations from the house load environment on the on off cycle would still be present. The random noise of other devices cycling at the same time coincidentally would be removed and I would assume lead to more accurate devise signature identification (specific to your house) more rapidly. Could some one from Sense clarify if this would be helpful? Thanks!
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I can’t speak on behalf of Sense, but I have seen similar threads between Sense reps ans users here on the community. The general tenor is that Sense needs to see the transistions in the context of the underlying noise if you want it to detect the transitions that live in that same noise.
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