I’ve been running Sense on a fairly standard configuration for 6 weeks. My electricity bill is through the roof on a new house, hoping to use it to figure out causes, monitor usage, the usual stuff. I just can’t seem to get it trained to a useful point, wondering if anyone has any insight.
Why does ‘Always On’ fluctuate so much? I would expect this to change when I buy a new device, but things that cycle frequently should be under ‘Other’, no?
Is there a way to see which phase of the incoming electric a device is connected to? I’ve spent hours throwing circuit breakers trying to identify devices.
Is there a way to stop devices from being changed when they’re detected correctly? Devices keep getting combined incorrectly, driving me nuts.
I have an oil-fired boiler in the basement, runs up to a heat exchanger/blower in the attic. Sense correctly identifies the blower, but keeps identifying the boiler/pump/etc as varying other things. Shouldn’t an ML algorithm correlate the two?
I have a 1500W electric heater for a particularly cold room. Still hasn’t been detected. Given the characteristics of this device, would think it would be one of the first things detected. Not many items draw this much and cycle so frequently.
Half my consumption is still “other” (~375kWh/month). After 6 weeks I’m not seeing any new devices. Is this likely to get better?
I’ve read the forums, seen the extensive discussion of “Why can’t I train my sense”. I understand why it needs to independently extract a device power signature, but really don’t see why you can’t offer “hints”. Tell it occasionally when you trigger a device. If Sense detects a device that highly correlates to your hints, it could tag it with the appropriate device name.
I have 5 refrigerators, 5 heating systems, and 4 stoves. I’m confused as to how these devices are tagged. I can see a fridge (or any motor) having a high initial starting current (especially a compressor), making the pattern fairly unique. Stoves (electric) must be hard, variable draw, but being one of the few 220 devices should simplify the pattern. Why does Sense think there are so many?
I know these are a lot of specific examples that the community may not be able to help with, hoping more than anything to get feedback from people who have been using it 3-6 months. I love the idea, but without more granular and accurate data, I find myself using it solely as a “whole house meter”, for which much less expensive options are available.