This article is from last year but I didn’t see it posted on here anywhere. It gives the names and locations where they do business.
I thought it might be helpful for those looking into Solar and needing a starting point with finding a contractor.
I don’t see a way to see which contractors are in the program in each state. (There is a link in the article to Pro -, but that page doesn’t have the info either). @RyanAtSense?
When you scroll down to the comments secrion do you see this? Circled is the first two partners in the comments section from different states. Many more to follow.
Yes, but only 7 are shown, not 50 (and none on my state)
I should have looked and counted to see if all 50 contractors were there. I think you had a great idea in your last reply with seeing if @RyanAtSense has the information.
We don’t have a public-facing list of partnered companies, though it sounds like we should. If you’re curious about installers in your area, just shoot me a PM and I can find that out for you.