"Similar Homes" utility type


In a future where every high-rise dweller has Sense one can imagine the potential for “similar homes” having distinctly different energy usage, and not for the most obvious reasons:

  • Solar gain through the windows vs being in shadow. The Southsiders are dissimilar to the Northsiders?

  • Your “2D” location on the map vs your “3D” vertical location within a building along with your absolute altitude.

  • You like outdoor air so you open windows … a classic NYC solve to overheated (steamy) apartments is to do just that mid-Winter. In Summer you close up all the windows and crank the AC … even when it’s cool outside at night.

The list is much longer and of course highlights factors outside of strictly being Sense-related … if you have centralized un-metered HVAC your Sense monitored energy use will no-doubt be much lower than your actual energy use.

Similar Homes and/or Similar Occupants with Similar Devices?

Another iterative & hard problem for which we need patience!