No prob… There first plot has your SolarEdge energy output reading on the x-axis and your corresponding (same day) Sense output reading on the y-axis. Similarly, the second plot is your Utility measurement for each day on the x-axis, with the corresponding Sense reading on the y-axis.
With this kind of plot, you should see points close to the “unity line”, where x = y (slope = 1, starting at 0,0). I tend to put the “golden measurement” on the x-axis so one can calculate the Sense output as a function of the golden measurement (utility or inverter, though the inverter is usually not really a golden measurement - there are some losses before it reaches your main breaker box)
FYI - for your solar, Sense = (0.97 * SolarEdge) + 60Wh.
Adjusted R-squared: 0.9999
So Sense is typically 3% below your SolarEdge measure, very similar to my SolarEdge.
for your net usage, Sense = (1.005 * Utility) + 295Wh
Adjusted R-squared: 0.9997
Your Sense is almost dead-on with your Utility except for that 295Wh offset
To get that type of chart in Excel, just select the two columns for comparison and Insert > Chart > X Y (Scatter)