I used to have many of my HS110’s not having their power samples recorded by Sense, as outlined in this past thread: https://community.sense.com/t/smart-plug-power-data-glitches/8710.
It is much better now, after replacing the mesh wifi network I was using before with a fully hard wired UniFi AP (6 nanoHDs) deployment. Might help also that I also have all the IoT devices (Sense, HS110s) on their own network, so their broadcasts and UDP traffic are confined. I still see evidence that some HS110s not having their power data recorded by Sense for minutes to hours at a time, though this is much less of an issue now. (A few times that I’ve caught a case like this live with my new home network and tried using the Kasa app to access the plug, the Kasa app was successful; I don’t think the issue is with the plugs.)