2 weeks in and no detections

Not sure if it takes a long time for larger home to find devices…
Have one installed at other smaller 1100 sqf home has found 6 devices in only 3 days. In other home 4000sqf has found 0 in 2+ weeks.

Identification time likely depends on lots of factors:

  • Types of devices / detectability of individual devices
  • Amount of noise/chatter in the house from other devices - less chatter is better
  • On/off frequency of devices - greater frequency is better
  • Plus more…

LOTS more ((-:wink:

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Hey @ebay - very sorry for the troubles here!!

Please reach out to support about that second unit if you haven’t already. That definitely sounds like something’s wrong, and they might be able to take a closer look at your data (with your permission of course) and scout out what’s up.

Thanks for your patience!

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