Amazon Alexa support for Canada

I really wish you can solve the certification issue soon as I would really like to be able to link my Canadian Alexa to my new Sense

Thanks for your help.

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Bumping this up @RyanAtSense any update? It’s very frustrating that this is advertised as a feature even in Canada on and simply does not work.


I just double-checked and it is not listed as a feature on We also caveat it in the relevant Help Center articles.

In any case, I’ll bring it up with the team again. It’s a very, very small use case but let me check in and see if we can slip it in somewhere.

New Sense install here in Canada eh. I went looking for the sense skill in my alexa app and was shocked not to find it. Do we have a project timeline on when to expect the skill to be available in the future?

Not at this time. As I note above, it’s an incredibly tiny subset of users affected (I’m counting four so far) and a fair amount of work to do. It’s on the backlog, but no estimate of time when it’ll be completed.

I would say 4 users is a fairly large assumption - I too have a sense, in Canada, and use Alexa as opposed to Google Home.

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@RyanAtSense just for clarification, are there four Sense users in Canada total, or four Canadian Sense users that are interested in integrating Sense + Alexa?

(I’m a Canadian Sense + Google Assistant user)

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@Andrewsimkins @rob.koekkoek I’m referring to those who have asked for it. I encourage anyone who’d like to see this feature, to ‘like’ this thread.