AMD Ryzen 7 Gaming Computer with NVIDIA Geoforce GTX 1080 Graphics

Make: Custom Built
Model: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x CPU and Geoforce GTX 1080 GPU
Waveform source: Device Power Meter
How identified: Smartplug (HS110) on a power strip. Strip also includes monitor plus Airport Extreme Basestation Access Point
Additional Comments: Daily usage - mostly League of Legends in the evenings, with a short break for dinner. Standby, plus the Airport Access Point the rest of the time.
Power Spec: CPU TDP 105W, GPU max 180W, motherboard unknown

Detailed View: PC standby, then light gaming, or perhaps homework, followed by heavy gaming.

Daily View:

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That’s a lot of electricity, wow!
My son plays the PS4 and I haven’t checked it.
My washing machine uses less than your gaming PC.
I see supper was a short break, about 20 minutes before 7 and ate quick. Could t wait to get back I take it.

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Just added in the spec info for the CPU and GPU. Most of the power is used/dissipated by the GPU during gaming. Our D is a big time gamer, but we can’t complain too much - also a straight A student across the board.

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