Device Detection Major Update: Tesla Model 3 - 1/9/19

Such perfect timing. Never saw the M3 before I reset the Sense. I am detecting my devices all over again with the new solar install and charging the car during the sunniest parts of the day. Crossing my fingers I will finally see the Tesla show up.

Looks like the M3 started getting picked up last Friday and it has been detected each day thus far. Hopefully stays on after the next firmware release!

Be cool to have the Tesla Model S show up… just doesn’t seem to be very easy, I would think it would be though, its the only 220V 13KW 48A item that is being tracked by Sense… support is telling me there are multiple signatures and ‘ramping’. The car almost immediately gets to 13KW.

Still no luck with Model 3 detection, using the latest 2019.32.2.2 da05838 software now.
It hasn’t been showing up in Sense activity since Jun 2019.

From previous note from you, I was expecting some improved Tesla Model 3 detection but nothing yet. You said to give it a “couple of weeks”, and it has been about 8 weeks.

I have Version 1.22.2426-481 deef-master

Anything you can do to help?


Rich Worford

As noted above, this fix may still not solve the issue for everybody. We’re targeting the current incarnation of the M3 pretty well, but other issues in your home can still prevent reliable detection. The Support team would be able to take a closer look at your data, if you’d like to reach out to them.

What about Model S / Model X?


Sense started picking up my wife’s Model S (80A charing dual charger 2014 model) in mid-Sept. Recently Sense backfilled the detections to mid-July. I’ve had the Model S show up on and off again in Sense-land for a while, but this is probably the most solid detection I have seen. The nice thing is that it seems to have been done post-data, so Sense can analyze and backfill detections, rather than capturing the on-and off-signatures in the moment. Hope your S/X is picked up soon.

Fingers crossed.

Next on the wish list then will be Time Of Use pricing - here in NY we can sign up for low cost overnight energy which is what is used to charge the Model X.

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Thoughts (apologies if brought up elsewhere):

  • If Sense knows you have TOU pricing because you’ve entered that info then it could also weight detection accordingly. e.g. More likely to charge overnight so detection is more likely an EV charge.

  • Sense could infer you have TOU pricing from, for example, what looks like overnight charging.

  • I’m guessing that for the most part Sense could probably post-process current data and determine TOU customers with reasonable confidence.

Let’s just be sure to keep the ToU discussion relevant to EV detection and not turn this into a general ToU thread. Best place for general ToU discussion is here: Time of use pricing

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My Tesla Model 3 (currently on firmware 2019.36.2.1) has only been detected once in the 5 months that I’d have my Sense monitor installed and that was back in the summer. I’ve reached out to support several times and they have shared the challenges with detecting the Model 3, reassured me that updated enhancements were on the way, and that the Model 3 should begin being detected after about 30 charges. That was about 2 months ago and we charge daily.

My Sense monitor is currently on firmware 1.23.2457-c97039a0-master.

I’ve reached out to support again, but curious if any other Model 3 owners are having any luck.

Two things:

  1. You’re on outdated firmware. I just hit up our primary monitor software dev to see what’s up with that and why you may be stuck. That’s probably not a concern here, but it certainly can’t hurt. If there’s nothing wrong, it should get updated tonight at around 3AM.

  2. We just (two days ago now) rolled out new M3 models based on the latest Tesla firmware. This may help your detection along, so keep watching over the next couple weeks. Unfortunately, there isn’t a perfect answer here as homes are so dynamic. It’s not a simple matter of matching two exact patterns.

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I’m on Sense firmware 29.3-4559b41e.

My Tesla Model 3 (bought Dec 2018) was on 2019.36.2.1 for the past month or so. Charging hasn’t been detected for many months, a majority of the year actually.

My Tesla Model 3 has been updated to 2019.36.2.3 last night 12/26/2019, but charging is still not detected by Sense.

When will detection of a Tesla Model 3 work? This is really annoying, the single biggest load in the whole house and it can not detect it for months…
Algorithmic detection must be added.
Not knowing what your AI experiment is doing is not really convincing.

I have on my sense, is that the current release?


What AI experiment are you conducting?

My Sense Firmware is now showing as 1.24.2525-f70f25e3-master, so it seems to have updated overnight as you suggested.

Hopefully the new M3 model you described also starts to kick in and detect charging.

My 2019 Model 3 on firmware 2019.36.2.1 has finally been detected! Happiness at last!

Now how about my January 2013 Model S? please guys - you’re getting close!

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Just wanted to confirm that my Model 3 started being detected on Nov 28th (4 days ago), and has been reliably detected each day since. Many thanks!