Hi guys its been a week and no detection of my model 3 charging via tesla wall charger. How long will it take to detect?
Hi @markvejvoda. There are a lot of variables here, but on average Sense requires 8 to 25 charging cycles to recognize an EV. A week is probably not enough time here. If you continue to see an issue with your Tesla Model 3 detection after a few more weeks, reach out to support@sense.com and our Support team can take a look.
@JustinAtSense, I have now reported my similar situation to support@sense.com to see if I can somehow help moves things along. I also identified my EVs in inventory, but Sense still doesn’t pick them up most of the time. Similar story for my Rheem hybrid electric water heater actually, maybe I should open another ticket for that too.
It can’t hurt, @pbraren. Support has a lot of tools available and it helps to at least get these issues documented.
Same here. My Sense it’s been detecting our Model 3 for the last 2 and 1/2 weeks. Registering the full 8kw charge. Unfortunately there’s a new software update for the Teslas. I haven’t received that update yet
In Feb 2020, Sense published a great article on their blog:
How Sense Recognizes the Electric Vehicle in Your Driveway
We take a deep look into the energy science of electric vehicles and how they charge.
with some great screenshots of the large changes Tesla makes in the way charging is done. It’s quite a challenge, sometimes with 1-2 software updates by Tesla per month. Right now, 2020.8.1 is being rolled out: TeslaFi.com Firmware Tracker
I have a Tesla Model X and it has not yet been detected.
I charge it with 240v about once a month (available on side of house, when i need a quick charge) and 3-5 times a week with 120v (in a detached garage where i only have 120v right now).
i know you don’t have 120v chargers detected yet, but looking forward to seeing it available at some point.
Ok guys its been over 30 days of charging and sense still has not detected my Tesla Wall charging charging the model 3 every day. What do i do next? I added an EV to my sense profile but no help.
Turns out I am an idiot, the mains I clamped onto are feeding to the basement house panel whereas the ev charger is on a different circuit. The mains into the house are behind the main breaker (and live of course)
No luck for me. My 2018 RWD LR Model 3 on a HWPC connected to a 240V/60A fuse (i.e. 48A charging) has been charging nearly every night and preconditioning nearly every morning. I’ve even told Sense that I own a Model 3, in the “My Home” device list setup. It has yet to realize that the pretty consistent ~4AM spike in power consumption is my Model 3.
It also hasn’t found my heat pump, which creates a really obvious signature, but it has found 6 random “heaters” that I haven’t been able to identify as real devices of any kind just yet. It’s also found a “coffee maker” that I don’t own, 3 stoves (we own one), and “AC” unit, even though our heat pump hasn’t run in A/C mode since LONG before I bought my Sense device, and a “washer” that doesn’t show as running when I’m washing a load of laundry. I’m hoping to finally get some time this weekend to figure out what some of the found devices are, but so far, the most impressive thing about Sense is just how poorly it identifies… anything.
I think the microwave oven and garage doors might be the only things it has clearly and obviously identified correctly.
A few things you should know, since Sense identifies devices by their on and off “signatures”, where the signature includes things like power level, phase, speed of transition, and a bunch of other features that you can’t even see in the Power Meter.
- A single device that has multiple modes/power settings, like an electric range or oven will typically show up as multiple devices. Sense may eventually combine.
- One device might have multiple components that are detected at different times. Examples include dryers (heating element separate from the motor), fridge (ice maker heater and motor, interior light, separate from compressor(s)). Sense may eventually combine these if they are linked in time.
- Two or more devices that have a similar type and power usage can be conflated or seen as one device by Sense. All three of my garage door openers (all the same make/model) are detected as one. One of my floor heaters is detected as my dryer - both have similar 6000W cycles.
- Some devices like heat pumps and EV chargers have transitions that are longer than the window than the main detection mechanism Sense uses. Sense has special “detectors” for those, but those detections are more challenging since they aren’t based on fundamental physics, but instead based on electronic controllers, resulting in waveform cycles that can vary widely (heat pumps) and change with software updates (EVs). Read the Sense blogs on AC and EVs for more info on these kinds of waveforms.
- Most electronic devices that use DC on the inside (computers, TVs, stereos, dc motors, dc-inverter-microwave ovens) don’t produce discernible physics-based signatures, so they also won’t likely be detectable by Sense. Sense’s smartplug integrations with Kasa and Wemo are useful for watching these devices.
ps: I have a couple of Teslas, an S and a 3, that I charge on two different HPWC, with the S up to 80A. Sense has been up and down on detecting both of these over the past couple years. This blog explains why.
So I give sense to check my data, I have had a Tesla Model 3 since Oct 2019 and the sense for years. I have a NEMA 6-20 and the mobile connector, the Tesla model 3 connects and is never detected, but also more odd is that I was turning the charger on/off tonight and while the Tesla says 240v at 16A (80%’of 20A) the sense monitor is showing 2164 watts , not the ~4000 watts the Tesla thinks it’s getting.
Why would the watts be off by over 1000?
Why doesn’t my Model 3 show up ever?
I’ve had many versions of Tesla firmware over the 10 months.
Would a wall connector be better at detection?
I have the same situation with my Sense and Model3. Sense has gotten pretty good about seeing the charge but it loses a chunk of the actual consumption. I have a wall charger and the draw starts at 7.2KW but will then trail off pretty quickly. Take a look at your power Meter for the Tesla and see if you see the same.
I’ve had my Model 3 SR for 8 months and my Sense was installed in August. Sense has not detected the M3. I have a Gen 3 Tesla Connector using a
14-50 NEMO plug and it is on it’s own breaker. I’m retired, so the car is plugged in the majority of each day. I very the charging amps based on my usage. I charge at 8, 16, 24 and 32amps.
Any ideas on how to get Sense to detect my M3?
I started monitoring my Model 3 48A HPWC charging using Sense Direct Circuit Monitoring a little over a month ago. Ironically, that seems to be about the time that Model 3 Model started working the best I have yet seen !
Of the 971 hours since I installed DCM, Sense got 965 of them correct. Of the 31 charging hours, Sense detection only missed 1 charging session of 5 hours that overlapped with a Model S charging session, plus one short 20 min session.
I’ve had a Model 3 since June 2018. NEVER ever had it detected by Sense. Shows up in the big “Other” blob. What can I do to remedy this situation?
Which charging approach do you use ? Tesla Mobile Charger, HPWC or third party ? What voltage and charge limit ?
Hi Kevin,
GE L2 (so 3P). 240V / 30A
Is it really 3 phase ? L2 indicates 240V but that can come from a standard US residential split-phase supply as well. If you are charging using a 3-phase, that would definitely be dicey for Sense detection - I have seen a couple of folks on this forum use Sense on 2 phases of a 3 phase supply, but that’s outside of envelope.
Also wondering how different a Model 3 charge looks on a 30A GE vs a HPWC at 48A