Device Learning

Can I do anything to help the Sense learn devices in my home? The only Bubbles I’m getting in always on and other devices.

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How long have you had it installed ??

I’m going to point you to this article I wrote for Sense a while back on what you should expect - it will be helpful in showing you what Sense is looking for.

Don’t you wish. I had a long conversation with Sence guy and thought his answer was a little self centered. I also didn’t see his point. It would be so easy to write the program to recognize say, turning a device on and off and when Sence responds with ? And then we could then label it.

I’m very new to sense, day 2 now, and I have a question about different bubbles shown.

I’m not frustrated or upset, just making sure I don’t need to do something different or just wait more.

Sense had a bubble for “now”, and just today it shows bubbles for “always on & other.” But, early this morning, I got an email that sense detected two new devices Central A/C & Fridges. Kind of excited that it was so quick, I opened the app, but it didn’t show any bubbles. After watching the app all day, it never showed any of those bubbles.

When I looked through the app under the devices section, it shows data for my A/C & refrigerator, but it still doesn’t show any bubbles. However, I did notice that the Always on & Other devices have a little yellow dot next to them, but nothing else does. Would this be why I don’t see any other bubbles? Do I need to change settings, do something different or just wait?

Thank you.

@gjgrosser, give it a little time. The view that you should be watching now that you have detected devices is the Device view for each. Here’s a sample view for one of my AC units, snapshotted from an iPad to give maximum info in one screenshot. It gives much more info for that device than just the bubble. It shows overall numbers, Usage for different time periods (DAilY, WeeKly, MOnthly, YeaRly and BILLing cycle), a Power Meter more detailed view for the past 24 hours, plus a Timeline of off/ons below that.

One other important note - the Gear in the upper right enabled you to configure settings for this particular device. Things like whether it’s timeline show up in your top-level Bubble/Now chart. Worth becoming familiar with the settings there, though you probably want to read the blogs I pointed to first.

The next day the A/C was recognized and associated bubble started showing. On my app, devices (dryer, A/C, Water heater, etc.) are greyed out. It appears when sense thinks it has identified another appliance, it’ll change the color to blue. Then when it has had a chance to confirm what it thinks, then the appliance gets a little yellow dot when that appliance is active and a bubble will display.

Just a learning curve. Thank you for the information.

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Sounds great ! I think the new-ish setup survey of major devices in your house builds that greyed out list. Back when I last did a setup, that “survey” didn’t exist, so the UI has changed a little to fit the new ramp-up process. So your detailed explanation is helpful for new users.

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