My HVAC device is sometimes not shown as “on” in the real-time bubble view or device view, but the on and off events are properly tracked in the timeline and the usage is properly shown in the device-specific usage chart. See screenshots, which were all taken in rapid succession. This has happened in the past for a different device but it cleared up after some fiddling around.
Have you reported this one to Support?
I have this happen with several devices all the time. Usually it’s stuff in the kitchen, like the over or toaster oven. If I watch the real time bubbles, the other bubble will get really big, as if the device wasn’t detected. But later (like 10+ minutes later when I’m not using the device anymore) I can open the device in the device tab, see the power meter, and it will say “off for 8 minutes” so it’s definitely being detected, just after the fact.
I did report this to support when I opened the thread. The ticket is still open and has been escalated to engineering. No progress so far, though.
I have this problem too.
A few days ago, the bubble view is ok.
Now it doesn’t seem to show my water pump and A/C.
“Other” bubble just get bigger.
But if you scroll down and see the time-line, it will be there.
This happens to me too.
Have you reached out to support for this, @ryancshanahan?
Another one that happens to me is when my wife uses her hairdryer, Sense thinks the dishwasher has turned on. But, it’s always the Other bubble and never the dishwasher bubble that fills up and the dishwasher device won’t show as being on. But… I get a notification from Sense that the dishwasher has finished and if I go check the Sense device history, it will show the typical message saying how long the device has been off. I’ve been specifically looking for it because I want to be able to report problem > device is not on. I can’t do that if while it’s running it just shows as other.
I asked support for an update on this last week, and they informed me that no fix has been implemented yet.
No I haven’t.
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