I found the thread I made. It was created in June 2020, and funnily enough it was because I noticed it happening with my water heater and you commented on it @pswired.
In that thread, I mentioned an even older thread. This one. Created November 2019 about the same issue. That thread was created by you as well @pswired.
Both of those older threads have screenshots, but I’ll include the ones I made tonight here as well.
Here is my water heater running, but there is no bubble for it. It’s all under the other bubble. You can see in the timeline where Sense did see it turn on.
Here is what the device page for it looked like. Notice it doesn’t say “Off for X minutes,” it just says “off”.
Here’s what the timeline and device page looked like 2 hours later. I meant to take do this closer to when it turned off but I forgot. You can see it now says “Off for 2h 11m,” and on the timeline you can see where it turned on and then off.
Sense very accurately tracks my water heater.
If it would help support, maybe @JustinAtSense can merge all the threads together into one discussion?