Fridge run time

I’m curious to see what kind of numbers others are getting on their refridgerators

mine appears to have an avg consumption of 206 watts and run time of 28minutes

@mpacker99, mine’s 462w with 9m4s as the average run time. I think it’s fast-cycling, because that’s way too much current for way too short a time IMHO, but I might just have a dog of a fridge. (or it might have mis-identified the demidifier or something, I’m still not really very confident that the identifications are accurate for the various items having compressors in them.

I’ve got two fridges:

Mid 1980s, standard freezer on top refrigerator

  • Avg consumption 216 watts
  • Avg run time 26m

2012ish, side by side

  • Avg consumption 132 watts
  • Avg run time 31m

@llamabox, does yours report two different fridges?

i have two but it only sees one. i’m trying to determine if that is both of them together. one evidently barely turns on. but when i’m home and it says “fridge on” i go and it’s always on (the main one), i’ve yet to catch the 2nd one on. It’s interesting to see the different in the old one vs new one. Ours is around 18 years old. I did find that when i cleaned the coils it “lost” the fridge. It was falling under “other”. then i deleted it and a few days later it found it again (drawing less power)

@dgeist, wow yours does seem odd…

Average Consumption: 105w
Average Run Time: 27m

And it seems to run between every 30-45 minutes.
June Consumption: 30.5kWh

Sub Zero 601R (all refrigerator, 20 cu. ft.) avg consumption 114w, avg run time 5m 37s.

It does report as two fridges.

Edit: However, who knows how accurate the readings are.

Sometimes I hear a fridge chugging away but the device isn’t listed as running. I’ll also turn a fridge off/back on and it’s not listed as running… so I’m not too sure what exact part of the fridge is actually detected…

I have a GE Profile.

Average run time is 34 minutes 29 seconds
Average consumption is 109 watts

@mpacker99 the second fridge identified is actually 122w ave with 40m run cycles… I suspect that’s my actual 2010-ish kitchen unit. Oddly the chest freezer in the garage and the dehumidifier in the basement only account for one other unit…once more leaving me wanting for a training capability so I could simply TELL sense what things are.

I have a 7 yr old Kenmore 20 cu ft top freezer that averages 107W and 9.5 mins (actually on 10, off 20 each 30 mins)
Also a 20 yr old Kenmore side by side that averages 140W and 17 min run time (actually on 15, off 13 each 28 mins)
Both above number sets in parens were taken during a time where nobody was home for 24 hrs prior and the averages were from Sense.

GE French Door

Average consumption 104 watts
Average run time 33m 40s
Average time between cycles 33min

Hi All,

If possible, can people who have posted look to see if they can find the average time between cycles? For instance, that Sub zero that only runs for 5 minutes. How often is it running for only 5 minutes? Just trying to get be able to compare apples to apples as just the average consumption and average run time doesn’t mean much without knowing how often its pulling the power.

I checked my data from last night when nobody was up and mine looks to be 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, pulling 206 watts. Mine is a GE (about 16-17 years old)

added time between cycles

Mid 1980s, standard freezer on top refrigerator

  • Avg consumption 216 watts
  • Avg run time 26m
  • Average time between cycles 20m

2012ish, side by side

  • Avg consumption 132 watts
  • Avg run time 31m
  • Average time between cycles 30m

I have a 21 cubic feet whirlpool 2011, average consumption 234 watts and average run time 20m 50s

I have a GE Profile also:
Avg Consumption = 105 watts
Avg run time 25m 25s

Mine is 127w and 32m averages

Samsung French door, bottom freezer 2016 model. 60ish watts, 20-30min on, 20-30min off.

Sense found a 64W pattern which I can hear running, many times a day so I think it’s compressor. This is named Fridge.
Sense also found a 364W pattern, runs every few weeks. Sense suggests fridge so I named Fridge 2, without confirming. If it’s resistive heat for defrost, I can’t hear.
Both have startup spike on Power Meter graphs.
11.6A is on nameplate. No 1000+W pattern found over 2+years.
Is it crazy to think my compressor runs at 64W?
If 64+364W is all it needs; I should be able to run fridge using a 500W inverter from car. This seems way under powered. What size inverter should I use for 3-4 day power outage?

Take a look at the fridges here and judge for yourself.
64W seems a little low.