Kevin, thanks for the feedback! Your suggestion to look at times rather than Watts is a good one, because it comes at the problem from another angle. Unfortunately, the time data for such a comparison should have units of seconds because minute-level precision would not be sufficiently accurate. The device timeline only displays data rounded to the whole minute, as shown below.
A couple months ago I created a wish-list item which would include second-level data on the device timeline. I can come back to your idea if the developers ever implement that feature!
Maybe I don’t understand the scenario correctly - was thinking you could pull from the Hourly “Total time on” for both the Hue Integration incidator bulb and the native Basement detection .
Kevin, your picture helped me understand your idea. Yes, that would work! I’ll try that when I get a chance.
My first understanding was that I was supposed to spot check start and stop times to be sure the devices were recording the same events, and to note differences in how the same event shows up. That could also be helpful, but would be a lot more work. I like your idea better. Thank you!
Today I learned something about the limit on the number of integrated Hue lights. Post 5 above notes that “the Hue bridge can address at most 50 bulbs.” It turns out that limit is at the Hue end and not a limit imposed by Sense.