Maximum, Minimum Wattage on each phase

In addition to displaying each phases curves as I discussed in another Wishlist postingh, it might be useful for those who have or want to add backup gas generators (and batteries for those who can afford them) to be able to display the instantaneous maximum, minimum and average power power over a date range used for each phase.

This would allow sizing your generator to the actual needs (and may be different for different times of the year), as well as estimating of gas usage from power used.


Seeing maximum instantaneous load during a specified period would be very helpful for sizing backup systems. Has there been any movement on this since the original post in 2017?

Don’t think there has been any motion on this one, but I’m going to add my voice to request for my own reasons, not related to generators. I could live with Sense adding a peak Total Usage value per leg into the hourly and daily exported data, without any changes to the Sense UI.

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