So yesterday afternoon I decided to move my load CTs from measuring only the load to the house, to measure everything behind the meter, which is where most users would have them. The CTs basically sit between the meter and the main breaker in the panel.
In my case, I have a fused disconnect immediately downstream from my meter base, that feeds both the house sub-panels as well as my shop sub-panel that contains my solar panels. So where is how it looks like now:
So the service comes in the top from the meter and at the bottom, one feeder goes to the shop building existing at the bottom, this is where the Solar CTs are connected. Made no changes there. The feeder to the house sub-panels are existing to the right. This is where the load CTs used to be connected and everything was working fine, but Sense was not able to pick up loads from the shop sub-panel.
After making the change, I did a solar re-calibration, which went fine despite it being later afternoon and a bit cloudy.
Last night the readings were all normal with Solar being close to 0W and my loads being what they normally are. But this morning before sun up, the power meter looked like this:
Later in the morning I checked the Sense Status, and it looked like this:
So it would appear that the solar production is directly impacting the reading of the load CTs in that the solar production pulls the load readings into the negative.
Here you can see that whenever solar production is higher than usage, I no longer get any usage reading on the power meter.
Another look from later in the afternoon:
And yes, I still have the issue where one of the Solar CTs drops out.
And later this afternoon after the sun set, things are starting to return to normal since the sun was no longer around to completely mess up the load readings.
So what’s going on here? Has my sense lost it completely?