Moving with Sense

So Ive been through the forum and cant seem to find an answer to what my question is. I have had Sense for over a year now, and recently we just bought a new house and well of course I took my sense monitor with me. What is the best protocol to install Sense in new home? Do I delete all my devices and just let sense figure it out, or should I do a reset? So far all ive done is delete all the devices and updated the general info on my new home characteristics, but sense hasn’t detected a device in the week its been up.

I’m going to answer what I would do but I want to be clear that I do not have any experience with this specific situation.
I would perform a “factory reset” of Sense. I do t think deleting devices would start with as clean a slate as possible. I also might even create a brand new account so there isn’t any Data that gets transferred.
I’d basically try to start in the new location just as this was a new, unused unit.
The wiring in your panel at the new place is going to be different and change readings in micro amounts that will affect the overall experience. Example: I changed a breaker on a heated floor. Nothing else was changed except the breaker. There was enough difference in the two breakers for me to lose the detection.
Let it start over and I think you’ll have the best results. I’ve also noticed that each new user seems to have faster detections than previous users. Where someone has had sense a year and had 6 detections, new users can have that in the first couple weeks. I feel it has something to do with a fresh start. After a year, your Monitor and account have a lot of DATA tied to it locally and on the cloud. Is it extra baggage? I do t know.


I think you are right, I went ahead and reset it, I did not factory reset however. Ill post in the coming weeks how it goes.

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I’ll be looking forward to reading your results.

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FYI - I replaced my Sense in the same house by essentially starting a new account, so I wouldn’t be burdened by my old data. But you need to be prepared to move to the same new forum account as well.

We actually have a post about this on our Help page:


Thanks Ryan, I guess I overlooked that! This is exactly what I did by the way!

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