My 30 day view on Sense, the company

Look Brian,

I’m not here to attack you, that would be against the rules of the community and frankly I’ll save the raging for the gaming later tonight. It was the first part of the opening paragraph that kinda made me think “why is that necessary”. Second was the fact that most of what you are asking for / suggesting has been discussed in detail throughout the community. We all miss things, don’t search well enough etc, but the expectation is that you ask questions before making statements. I’m guilty of this as well and I’m sure I’ve been called out, rightfully so.

To an extent I agree with you. I would recommend it to someone like myself, or most of the Techy people on this board. I probably wouldn’t recommend it to my 92yo grandmother or even my parents for that matter.

This is what I was talking about when I mentioned the technology behind the product and getting the message to people so that they can understand why. Sense is using AI. There’s no magical way to diagnose a vampire load, EVEN if you have clamps on every hot in your panel (unless you have a single breaker for every singular item - not realistic). The reality is that no monitor on the market can do this with just CT clamps. Now when you mix in the AI part that means that you bring in the numbers game. You have to have electrical signatures that match what you are asking Sense to detect using the models and predictive algorithms. There’s an assumption, which again I feel is a marketing issue, that Sense will magically detect what it can’t.

As I mentioned above this will not cause everything to be detected. I would argue that the only time you would need clamps is on dedicated breakers, which Sense actually does a decent job of figuring out already. Nevertheless, this has been suggested by myself and many others to turn the middle port into a hub for more CTs. Where this would provide help would be on things like EVs which Sense has issues with.

One of the biggest threads of this community is the pain associated with these plugs and Sense. It’s not Sense’s fault, from the countless hours we have poured into the diagnosis of the issue, but it’s not very easy to solve right now. These plugs are very problematic.

I’ve visited this community 43 days in a row (which is a little bit compared to some). I too want the best for Sense, not because I paid for it, but because I like what they are doing.