Very happy new user. Had sense for about 10 days now and have about 14 devices detected. I love getting the notification of a new device! If it says stove, I run over, turn it on or off a few times to confirm it is in fact that device and then fill in the model details on the device tag. Fun!
However, I had a new device pop up about 3 days ago and I am baffled. I cannot figure it out. It named it Fridge 3 and it starts off with a significant power spike of around 850 watts. It then quickly drops to around to 56 or so watts for around a 1/2 hour or so about every 3 hours.
I ran to our main fridge Sense had already identified and unplugged it thinking it may have been a defrost mode or something. Unplugged the refrigerator and to my surprise, the correct fridge bubble went out right away, but fridge 3 stayed lit and was still on. So I ran downstairs to our family room where we have a second fridge thinking that was the device and unplugged it. However, that wasn’t it either. So then I thought given the unusual every 3 hours or so pattern, maybe it was one of the circulator pumps on our boiler. I then went to the breaker panel and killed the power to the boiler. Nope! Fridge 3 continued to stay on and according to the watt usuals, still using about 56 watts steady.
So the next night, Sense notifies me that fridge 3 has turned on. I jump up and much to my family’s chagrin, I start shutting off every breaker in my panel. In an an embarrassing admission, I’ll begrudgingly admit in my determination and rush to figure out this mystery device, I did turn off my dryer breaker which has my sense on it. Doh!
So take two about 3 hours later, all breakers except the Sense. Fridge 3 was still on! Then I thought it had to be something on one of the 2 ups’s I have on some of my equipment. So I ran to each of those devices and turned the ups’s off. Fridge 3 still going steady at around 56 watts! Arrggghh.
Since my dryer is a Samsung with smart diagnostics and I couldn’t kill that breaker, I unplugged the dryer thinking maybe it was the dryer somehow, but fridge 3 remained powered on.
So the only thing I haven’t been able to eliminate is the power to my WiFi router and cable modem. I doubt it is those two items though as this almost looks like some kind of motor. If I had to put money on it, I’d guess the circulator pumps, but when I kill the power to them, fridge 3 keeps going steady!
What can it be? I’ve enclosed a screen shot for review. Thanks in advance!