Sense regularly reports devices discovered without providing the data. It’s there, and it’s how they discover devices, but doesn’t show up in the apps right away. Then, a few days later, the data transitions into the app. As Sense keeps saying, “patience”
Regarding your two year experience, that’s not at all unusual. Some of us have been that long and have about 10% accurate discovery, others get most of their devices found in a few months. Sense is very “Sensitive” to specific environments and devices.
While your experience is similar to many of the reports in this thread, there are also those who install Sense and quickly/accurately discover bunches of devices and love it. I have a friend who claims he’s got 3/4 of the devices in his home detected…and 100% of the large consumers in only the first few months…so go figure.
Then there are others of us, like you and I, for whom the experience has been pretty poor/useless.
What Sense is trying to do is HORIBLY complex, and their major fault may well be over-selling its capabilities.
Sense’s described approach totally misses a whole class of devices which lack on/off cycles with distinctive transition signatures.
Subtle transitions get masked by large “noisy” ones, leading to poor detection and in-accurate reporting. So, the nature of the devices in your home seriously affects Sense’s capabilities, and of course no two homes are the same.
Don’t automatically discount late detections and treat them as wrong. Sometimes Sense will apply a new model and it will backfill detections over your whole history. I have seen Sense do this for my AC units and also for my EVs. Adding new models and backfilling is actually a good thing if the new models are better than the old ones, or a new addition.
I think most users look at detections as real-time event, even though there is a lot more going on in the background.
That’s fine however both of these devices haven’t been heard from in over a month. Should wait until it sees the new match. Stale info is stale info and is worthless noise to the consumer.
Understand your point, but I also see value in having Sense find and backfill my AC units after the summer is over if they suddenly have a breakthrough on modeling. I know it’s not actionable at the time of discovery, but does help explain overall usage and reduce Other % which most users want to do.
Thank you all for your responses, and I am so motivated as to check this forum often.
Sense has been a fatal attraction to me. I have already realized a hopeless relationship, I somehow still hope for the hopeless, only with time & emotion wasted.
This Sense technology, though sounds a brilliant idea, is not really ready for the primary time. Once time I was thinking of recommending my company to look into a collaborate project with Sense. I now would not recommend it even to my in-laws.
I’ve related my total lack of success with Sense to family, friends, and colleagues. Most of them have avoided it despite being intrigued by the advertising and the TOH hype. One friend in MA did purchase it, and has been very successful (about ¾ of their devices found and reporting pretty accurate), so it’s definitely not a level playing field.
As the various discussions have detailed, this is a VERY VERY hard problem, so it’s hardly surprising the results vary so much. The problem is more one of expectations vs reality, with many folks expecting a polished solid reliable product, not a science experiment.