Official API

The Unofficial API library at GitHub - scottbonline/sense: Sense Energy Monitor API includes support for 2FA. It will return SenseMFARequiredException on login if 2FA is enabled and then the code can be sent with the validate_mfa() function

Still would love a local API of course.

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What do you suppose we can get from a local API? I assume it’s a dumb device that just sends compressed data to the Sense Host

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Local API that provided current power usage (voltage, watts on each leg) would be handy. I wouldn’t expect any device info, but live totals can still be good to have and would reduce the need to ping the cloud as often.


Sorry, I missed this question before. I’m trying to integrate things into my smart home, which is completely bespoke. Today I’m trying to make little indicators that show how much my electricity is costing me at this instant (time of use rate X current consumption).

And more importantly, I’m trying to do this in a way that doesn’t depend on a cloud provider. Internet access is unreliable.

Thanks - As a fellow user, I don’t think you are ever going to see a local API to the Sense monitor for a couple of reasons.

  • CPU bandwidth - given all the Sense monitor is already doing, and the unpredictability of what end-users might request via a local API, there are real risks of overloading the monitor. It’s already doing an amazing amount of collecting, processing and compressing/packaging data for delivery back to the mothership. I’m guessing that there are are number of realtime deadlines that must be met, and introducing additional uncontrolled requests and responses would be risky.
  • Cost - APIs are expensive to build, document, maintain and support.

But that’s just my perspective based on other experiences with APIs. There are more DIY type products that might meet your needs more closely. But then you are going to need to do a lot more by yourself.

I just recently installed this device and like others, was looking to see if any hooks existed for home automation/data analysis/etc. A project comes to mind where someone found MQTT running on the Hue Bridge (v2). This provided me access in real-time to the state of every bulb (subscription). I then use the Hue API to manage the bulbs (no need to publish to control them).

This would be pretty lightweight solution and then you could manage selective consumption through subs via code. Just a thought as I didn’t (quick and dirty search) see any mention of this. So, no worries on documenting an API, just allow us to define an MQ server (e.g., EMQX, Rabbit), security etc. and we can then consume the data in real time. Subscription only as everything else should be defined in the existing configs.

Hello. So, is there somewhere I can pull sense data from via API … I am wanting to montor and collect information for user’s sense devices where allowed with regards to solar generation.

Did you try the unofficial API discussed throughout this thread.

There’s also data Export within the web app. Perhaps your client could send that to you.

If you are an installer of Sense systems, Sense offers “fleet management’ capabilities to Sense Pros for all the systems you have installed.